Corinne Hofmann
Lorsque, à 27 ans, Corinne Hofmann foule le sol de Mombassa, elle ne sait pas encore que sa vie va prendre un tournant décisif. Venue au Kenya pour les vacances, il suffit du regard perçant d'un guerrier massaï, Lketinga, pour ravir la jeune femme à son amant, à sa culture et à sa vie commerçante de Biel, en Suisse. En quelques mois, Corinne Hofmann lâche les amarres de l'Europe et s'installe au coeur de la brousse aux côtés de son amour africain.
Est-elle vraiment prête à y tenir le rôle d'une épouse modèle en pays massaï ?
La Massaï blanche, best-seller mondial, vous emporte tel un torrent en pleine brousse africaine. Francine Brunschwig - La Tribune de Genève -
In an exquisite personal pilgrimage, Corinne Hofmann, author of the global bestseller The White Masai, delves into the slums of Nairobi to uncover the heart-warming and heart-breaking stories of unforgettable people and places, then treks 500 miles across the Namibian desert to discover the lives of the nomadic Himba people. Joined by her half-Kenyan daughter, Napirai, they travel to Nairobi together for the first time to discover Napirai's roots and finally meet her father and half-siblings. Africa, My Passion is a poignant, touching and exciting story about one woman's love affair with an exotic man, which led to a lifelong obsession with what was once the dark continent. Moving, vividly recounted, eye-opening and, above all, filled with passionate hope and unparalleled detail, this is an extraordinary sequel to a bestselling series of memoirs.
Corinne Hofmann falls in love with a Masai warrior while on holiday with her boyfriend in Kenya. After overcoming all sorts of obstacles, she moves into a tiny shack with him and his mother in his village, and spends four years in Kenya. Slowly but surely the dream starts to crumble until she flees back home with her baby daughter.
Describes Corinne Hofmann's return to Switzerland and the difficulties that faced her there, detailing how she built a new life for herself and her daughter and overcame all obstacles with the same courage and optimism with which she faced the demands of her life in the Kenyan outback.